Career Development & Education Enhancement


Making an effective career transition begins with your career development process. Being able to access strengths and weaknesses will allow the transitional candidate to navigate through the necessary career development tools to maximize opportunities. Before the working adult or student is able to get on the right path, they need to know where they are going. We will help you, help yourself, determine your career interest; research the industry which matches your career interest; and evaluate positions related to your career interest. Additional components of career development include:

  • Effective resume writing
  • Interviewing strategies
  • Building a Professional Brand
  • Delivering an effective marketing package (cover letter and resume)
  • Social Network for Career Connections


Contact us today at , or call 469-744-4705.



Transitioning may require increasing your knowledge through education. There is some form of education which can fit the needs of everyone, including youth, young adults, and working adults. We now live in an economy which many have never experienced. Education is limitless, including colleges and universities; community colleges; vocational and trade schools; and career schools. The key is identifying the right educational resource which will impact your career, and/or give you leverage with a career change. Our Education Development services:

  • Allows you to match your career aspirations with the right form of education
  • Helps you identify action steps educationally as you begin you new journey
  • Helps parents help their young adults in finding the right fit, before and after high school graduation
  • Prepares the working adults to balance, school, work, and family
  • Identifies the advantages of traditional and non-traditional schools

Contact us today at , or call 9469-744-4705.